Minggu, 27 November 2011

Happy New Year 1433 H

What should I report first? Well, okay, my two friends found their fate in Tunis, so we said the goodbye and good luck stuffs while eating our fried chicken in the humble restaurant near by campus building. I will miss them a bit though, there will be no better guys than them in the class anymore. What's left for us anyway? Nobody.

Life seems okay so far. I like a new band The Decemberists, really. They're folk indie band.. as usual. I still love Noel Gallagher and was glad found his the second diary: Noel's Tales From The Middle of Nowhere vol. 2! I miss it and i enjoyed the reading so much, i have a wider image about the singer and he's really so human. He uses a lot of  f-words and exclamation marks in telling his funny stories! Remarkable, isn't it?

What again? Oh, Happy New Year, muslims around the world. Make the best of you every year! God bless you all. I'm so happy everything went well in the mosque. I became MC and i wish i can help a lot...

But i haven't finished my paper yet while typing this post, ya know! I have to get back my arse on the bed and get cracking... :(

Rabu, 23 November 2011

To Myself


I know everything getting harder every day. I know how does it feel because I'm yourself. I know you're lonely and sad, how easily you feel down, how you really beg to someone loves you, I know it so well. We're part of one person. I'm your wise-side, and i've been trying to look into our lives in another point of view.
Sometimes, you think you want to run, or end up drop dead. You would regret that immediately and apologize to God and yourself. I think it's very natural when you're depressed and just wanna run away.
But you cannot.
Now I believe you have reached the conclusion that, even this world is getting harder to understand, you as a person, as a God's creature always have some choices. Remember, choice is what you are. You're totally free either to stop or keep going. To be happy or to be sad. To be alone or be with another person. To love or to be loved. To do it now, or later. As Jean Paul Sartre said, we're cursed to be free. Well, it's not really curse, actually. In the end it's Sartre's choice to think it as a curse. What about you?
I know you're a wonderful person. You have unique abilities. You're not too proud of yourself. Yes, sometimes you can be so damn coward (!), but it's because you don't want to hurt other's feeling. Haha, i know, it sounds like a hippy, a peace lover.
But in the end you need to show how you feel or what you think. I don't think you'll get embarrassed! It's really great to be blunt sometimes, right? All you need is the right time and place.
Life is really a wonderful thing. It really is! I love how you always want to respect it. You always want to respect life by respecting other people, by respecting other living creature and the nature itself. That's an amazing theory. We're part of life and we must respect and accept it. You will know how by always keep learning and never stop struggling. As you always say, one can do good deeds if he know how to do it.
Francis Beacon said: Knowledge is power. Well, it's true.
It's a power to make everything better. You and others.
So please don't stop keep on going. Be the person you are. Like Noel Gallagher said: you could only be what you are. Charles Darwin was wrong, right? (at least as what we believe, and that's what matters), there's no bad seed ever created by God. Everything is not perfect and we have to struggle together. That's life.
Life is not about to compete, it's about to work together.
It's an idea, which sounds more dignified.
If you have decided on something and you find out you are wrong, well it's WRONG. To err is human, right? You can always come back and start it all over. You only have to believe. A strong belief will always save you. Those who are in doubt are so vulnerable of bad influence.
Also please, don't ever think of God left you stuffs! He never in any nano-second left you, okay? He always watches every single thing in this world. You just have to keep that in mind, you'll never lose direction again. Remember, as Kierkegaard said, faith is like jumping over the cliff of rationality and feeling. That's why the believers are different from any other people. They have something to hold onto. They never alone.

Wipe out those tears and smile, you brat!
Read this everytime you let down!

Wasted Minds

I feel so much betrayed.

I'm a coward, I must admit. My so-called parents always get mad at me it makes me so anxious time after time. But this time, what's so bothers my mind is some basic philosophical questions i've had in my fucked mind all this time. These questions are so big i can't bear it any longer. Those things require new form of point of views and more clues to find the right answer, but can we really sure about anything at all?

At some point in my life, i want to close my eyes and keep going with my faith that has been with me since i was born. But later on, I will come back and think about that again deeply. It really horrifying, you know? Because I can't imagine how these matters can change me as person in the future. And my surroundings doesn't really help. I was born in such a religious family, I've been learning my religion since always... Never really understand about things outside that except a slightly reading from some books. My father is a jerk, my mother also jerk, my sister even more jerk. Me? I'm a fucking coward.

In this time, maybe I should really get going somewhere, I mean not stuck in one thought. I gotta read more about my religion and things that surround it. But I have to say that I'm still a believer deep inside. I just have to find the path to the pure faith, without any doubt again. I'm so tired of doubts.

...and so tired about people around me. They're scumbags. Especially my own family.

Minggu, 20 November 2011

Though Times

Waghh... i've been in bad mood lately, i can get lost in my own house!!
Padahal minggu ini banyak kerjaan, banyak tugas dan tanggung jawab. Karena bad mood semuanya jadi molor... UAS jadi gak maksimal pula. Aku bingung mau gimana! Aku juga bingung sama perasaan sendiri. Setiap hari terasa berat dan hati terasa muram. Hmmm... hm.... hm..

Semua orang (terutama yang diluar kampus) sepertinya mengamatiku. Mereka seperti berkumpul disekililingku dengan tatapan mereka yang menusuk dan berkata hal-hal seram padaku; mana tanggung jawabmu? Kok kamu ternyata gak bisa diandalkan ya? Gak bisa dipercaya. Kamu orangnya payah. Kamu tidak melakukan tugasmu dengan benar..

Hiks, hiks, hiks....

Duh, aku capek!! Capek hidup kayak gini. Biarin aja aku curhat dan bertindak kekanakan. Mereka toh tidak peduli kan padaku. Yang mereka pedulikan ada supaya aku bertindak sesuai keinginan mereka. Tapi aku bukan orang seperti itu. Aku juga ingin ditemani. Kesepian rasanya.

Sepi, sepi.... sepi banget gak punya temen.
Aku jadi ragu apakah ada yang menyayangiku ya? Orangtuaku saja tidak kenal denganku. Setiap hari aku semakin kesepian dan terasing. Cuma komputer ini saja yang bisa memberi apa yang kubutuhkan.

Aku ingin ngobrol dengan Rachel... :'((

Jumat, 11 November 2011

We Were There

Setelah mencoba-coba menelusuri halaman-halaman internet dengan kata kunci Bokura Ga Ita review, aku memutuskan untuk menulisnya juga. Kupikir tidak ada review yang cukup fair untuk meresensi komik shoujo yang bagus seperti itu. Aku juga membaca bahwa doramanya akan segera rilis tahun 2012, meskipun aku juga tidak terlalu berharap banyak. Sebab entah kenapa kebanyakan dorama yang diangkat dari novel yang jelas-jelas bagus malah jadi kacau setelah dijadikan film. Meh.

Bokura Ga Ita alias Here We Are (judul versi Indonesianya) adalah shoujo terbitan Shogakukan (Elex Media versi Indonesianya). Manga ini ditulis oleh Yuuki Obata dan sudah mencapai 15 jilid. Sewaktu aku menulis ini, di Indonesia baru terbit hingga volume ke 14. Dan aku membaca disuatu sumber di internet, katanya manga ini sudah terjual lebih dari 10 juta kopi diseluruh dunia.

Biasanya aku tidak terlalu menyukai apa yang disebut sebagai shoujo alias serial cantik whatsoever. Untuk memberi gambaran, buku-buku yang aku baca kebanyakan novel, novel apapun selain Teenlit atau Chicklit atau melilit, haha. I'm too snobby to read that, I know.
Tapi aku memang menyukai cerita romantis juga, sih.

Ketika komik ini diterbitkan di Indonesia sekitar tahun 2004 atau 2005, lupa... saya tidak ragu menghabiskan uang yang cukup banyak untuk membelinya sampai volume 8. Waktu itu saya masih SMP dan masih terbayang-bayang dongeng cinta anak sekolahan.

Namun bahkan diusia itu aku menyukai bagaimana Obata sensei meramu cerita yang berisi adegan-adegan umum percintaan masa sekolah menjadi lain. Ketika aku membacanya lagi, seperti semalam, aku mendapat kesan yang berbeda lagi daripada kesan yang lama. Itu, menurutku adalah ciri buku yang bagus.

Aku tidak akan menceritakan plot ceritanya, itu sudah cukup banyak diulang-ulang di website lain. Kupikir aku lebih suka menceritakan bagaimana manga ini cukup berbeda dari shoujo lain. Sampul depannya selalu diwarnai dengan warna pastel dan sederhana. Sebagaimana ceritanya yang juga sederhana, namun memiliki alur yang kuat. Karakter yang dibuat dalam komik ini sangat earthy, namun juga dramatis. Tentu saja tidak ada yang lebih dramatis dari karakter Yano Motoharu. Memang ia hampir sama seperti tokoh anime/manga lain, seorang pemuda menarik namun menyimpan rahasia menyedihkan. Tapi, thanks to its mangaka, Yano dan segala ekspresinya sangat menarik dan alami. Very human.

Begitu juga karakter lain seperti Nanami dan Takeuchi. Nanami  memang didesain sebagai a proper schoolgirl moe. Tapi dia juga tidak dibuat terlalu cengeng atau terlalu tegar. Ada keseimbangan yang cukup bagus dalam sifatnya. Kewajaran saat ia menangisi sesuatu atau cara berpikirnya.
Takeuchi Masafumi karakter yang juga sederhana namun ternyata ia lebih dari itu. Sebagai sahabat terdekat Yano, ia juga menyimpan jiwa kompetitif dan ego. Namun kebanyakan itu selalu dikalahkan oleh rasa kasih sayanngnya yang besar baik kepada Yano maupun Nanami.
Yamamoto Yuri sebagai penambah konflik adalah tokoh yang muram. Ada kesamaan yang jelas antara karakter dia dan Yano. Sebab mereka memiliki kesamaan masa lalu yang berkaitan dengan tokoh yang lain, the former Yano's girlfriend; Nana. Masa lalu mereka menjadi sumber segala masalah dalam manga ini.

Artwork komik ini sederhana, lagi-lagi, namun sangat baik menggambarkan seluruh kejadian tanpa terlalu berlebihan. Karena kekuatan utama komik ini adalah alur cerita dan dialognya. Oh, dialog! Kalau kau pernah membaca manga ini, maka kau pasti mencintai untaian dialog dan pernyataan tiap-tiap karakternya. Maka untuk artwork, walaupun tidak sekeren CLAMP atau apalah yang lain (gak begitu tahu banyak), cerita ini tetap berhasil membawa emosi pembacanya.

Lagipula setting komik ini juga real, kebanyakan bersetting di Hokkaido. Aku yakin Obata Yuuki melakukan banyak observasi kesana, sebab tempat dan lokasi di komik ini juga penting membawa ceritanya.

Terakhir, tentu saja animenya. Tapi aku juga tidak pernah menonton tuh animenya. Bahkan kalapun cerita ini menjelma menjadi novel, ia akan tetap menjadi novel yang bagus, aku yakin.

Jika kau ingin mencoba membaca manga sementara kau adalah penggemar cerita semacam Pride and Prejudice, kau bisa membaca ini. You're gonna love it.